How To Win A Denied Accidental Death Life Insurance Claim

Posted on April 13, 2021

At the DiGeorge Life Insurance Law Firm, we see all kinds of interesting cases from every state in the country. The first step to winning a denied accidental death (AD&D) life insurance claim is to hire the right law firm so do your research. Bigger does not mean better. There are some giant law firms that have lots of commercials on TV; but that does not mean they are better at winning denied life insurance claims. Think of two fishing boats. One boat is a beautiful sport fishing yacht and game fish are line hooked and reeled-in, one at a time. The other fishing boat is a giant trawler that lays out miles of net. It scours everything from the ocean keeping a few and discarding the rest. Now imagine that those big firms are like that factory fishing boat. Chances are good that unless your case is a lay-up, they are going to throw it back into the ocean. They keep the easy, quick to pay cases and discard the rest.

Find a firm that knows how to win the hard ones! The DiGeorge Firm wins the tough ones. We win many previously denied accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) claims. We win many cases involving murder and homicide. We win cases where the coroner got the cause of death wrong.

When the life insurance companies see an appeal come from the life insurance policy lawyers at DiGeorge Life Insurance Law, they know we aren’t just throwing mud at the wall. Contact us anytime, day or night for a completely free consultation. Remember, we don’t get a penny unless we win.